domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

DIY Hipster shorts: showing pockets

Hipster shorts. Jeans trend a part from ripped jeans. I cut them by msyelf time ago.
I see nowadays they are quit in.
What do you think? Do you lik'm?
I wore them with a basic grey tee, a floral foulard as a belt and a pair of black sandals.

Tomorrow is a 'special' day as we (I and my bou) are going to go shopping, then we are having lunch in a restaurant I'm sure we will love and going out at night as it is a traditional party celebrated in Catalonia called "Sant Joan".

Nice week!


9 comentarios:

Kiki dijo...

love the floral belt...

Shared closet dijo...

I love the T-shirt with the colors of the belt! :)

Mari dijo...

ANswer: Love Pauls too. :)

Love it!

zoë dijo...

i love shopping / eating outings .. i'm actually doing that tomorrow .. breakfast at a downtown diner + shopping til i drop with one of my best friends .
caaan't wait .

anyways hope you had a good day !

dangerussupermarket dijo...

espere que hages disfrutat la nit de les figueres!

Posh dijo...

Nice tee and I love denim shorts! <3

Rebeca Muinelo dijo...

qe tipico es en verano los pañuelos como cinturon! qedan genial!

Unknown dijo...

Qué mono queda el pañuelo en los shorts!

Cindy Van Dyck dijo...

I like it!