sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

Pink Pleads

Pink pleads. 
Femenine, both casual and elegant -and chic!
To me, the star-trend of the summer. 
Indeed, I am willing to finish the project I am workin on -white crepe shirt, 
to start over a new pink pleated dress.
As I said in on of the last updates, I tried to sew by myself a pleated drees but I did not like the result so I turned it into a top.

1st pleads of my last creation - 2nd  picture stolen from Queen's Wradrove - 3rd picture stolen from streetstyle blogs

4 comentarios:

Shared closet dijo...

me encantan las tres fotos:) súper veraniegos verdad??
un beso!

Cuquete dijo...

Tendré que hacerme con una, porque me encanta.


ZEPETIT dijo...



Blonde hair, Blue jeans dijo...

i love the first outfit, feminime and powerful at the same time